Дюсенов М.М.

Должность: Старший преподаватель

Телефон: +7 (707) 153-98-33

E-mail: mergend7@gmail.com, m.dyussenov@apa.kz

Время консультаций: по согласованию

ОбразованиеОпыт работыПубликацииНаучные интересыПреподаваемые дисциплины
Национальный Университет Сингапура (2019)
PhD в области гос. политики

Настоящая должность (с января 2019 года): и.о. Старшего преподавателя, Институт управления Академии гос. управления при Президенте РК, г. Астана
2014-2019, докторант Школы гос. политики Национального Университета Сингапура, г. Сингапур
2013-2014, Заместитель директора Департамента политической работы, центральный аппарат Партии «Нур Отан»
2012-2013, Начальник аналитического управления,
АО «Информационно-аналитический центр», г. Астана
2011-2012, и.о. Зам. директора Национальной школы гос. политики Академии государственного управления, г. Астана
2009-2011, магистрант Колумбийского университета, г.Нью-Йорк США
2008-2009, Директор представительства компании «MSA Safety» в РК, г. Атырау
2005-2007, магистрант MBA, университет Джонсона и Уэльса, г. Провиденс, Род-Айленд США
2003-2005, менеджер по развитию, ТОО «International Support Services», г. Атырау
Грант на участие в конференции (travel grant), Назарбаев Университет и Астана хаб (октябрь 2018 года)
Обладатель полной стипендии от Школы гос. политики имени Ли Куан Ю на прохождение PhD (от 2014 г.)
Стипендиат программы «Болашак» (решение от 2013 г.)

1. Dyussenov, M. (2019). Who Sets the Agenda? Analyzing key actors and dynamics of economic diversification in Kazakhstan throughout 2011-2016. In Grimm, H. (Ed.), Public Policy Research in the Global South: A Cross-Country Perspective. Springer International Publishing
Ссылка: www.ippapublicpolicy.org/file/paper/5933f6afeb8fe.pdf
This paper attempts to answer the key question – who sets the agenda for economic diversification in the context of Kazakhstan? This question generally remains critical in current scholarly debates. Although Kazakhstan, a young post-Soviet developing nation, has received a fair amount of scholarly attention with regard to the agenda-setting stage of the policy cycle, the existing literature has yet failed to 1) empirically establish who actually sets the agenda for a certain policy issue, and 2) employ the Internet research methods. This paper seeks to fill these gaps. The literature review of Kazakh-context agenda-setting publications suggests that among the major actors, the government (including the Prime Minister office and President) tend to exert predominant influence, though other actors may also play a role, such as media and academia. As driven by Internet penetration rate data, this research focuses on the period from Jan 2011 to Dec 2016.
Форма публикации: глава книги
2. Dyussenov, M. (2017).Who sets the agenda in Thailand? Identifying key actors in Thai corruption policy, 2012–2016. Journal of Asian Public Policy
Ссылка: https://www.tandfonline.com/ doi/abs/10.1080/17516234.2017.1326448
In the face of the growing importance of corruption in much of the developing world, Thailand included, the present paper tackles the following question: what are the major actors that actually set the agenda for corruption issues in Thailand? The agenda-setting stage is the most critical one in the policy-cycle process which influences the remaining stages of the cycle. Given the importance of both the issue in Thai context and the agenda-setting stage generally, it is surprising to observe a scarcity of existing literature not only on agenda-setting in Thailand but across the policy process generally.
Форма публикации: статья в научном журнале

3. Dyussenov, M. (2016). The Issue Attention Cycle Model and Corruption in Kazakhstan and Canada. Public Policy and Administration journal, 15(2). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13165/VPA-16-15-2-06
Ссылка: https://www3.mruni.eu/ojs/public-policy-and-administration/article/view/4204
The present research paper attempts to apply the issue attention cycle model of Anthony Downs to corruption issues in the contexts of Canada as a democracy, and Kazakhstan as a soft authoritarian regime. The major contributions to the existing body of knowledge include: 1. replicating the Down’s model to analyze the corruption issue across the two countries; and 2. attempting to observe cycle variations depending on the nature of political regimes, and thus holding the regime as an independent variable as applied to the Down’s model.
Форма публикации: статья в научном журнале

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