A new book about Jewish people

The Narikbayev Library received a new book “Evreiler turaly evreiler tagylymy”, which title arises genuine interest. Its author is a well-known scientist, Doctor of Philosophy, lecturer of KAZGUU University Nurtas Imankul. The book covers the history, culture and traditions of Jewish people. The study put sources such as the Koran, the Torah, the Bible, as well as information about the Jews in the works of J. Ben Shimon, S.M. Dubnov, M. Shapiro and others. For the first time the 613 Jewish commandments (mitzvot), religious concepts, customs, traditions, holidays are described in the Kazakh language, that will allow a better understanding of mentality, national characteristics of the nation and the way they bring up their children.

The publication can be used as a small encyclopedia about the Jews in the Kazakh language. The book opens to readers a lot about the world view and outlook of the people, whose representatives made a great contribution to the development of science, technology, culture and art, left a big mark in the history of mankind. The work will be of interest not only to specialists in the field of social sciences and humanities, but also to a wide range of readers.

The book was published in the “Foliant” publishing house in an edition of 1000 copies.