The Concept of modernization of the institute of district police inspectors and strengthening the work on crime prevention

Authors: Narikbayev T. M., Pen S. G., Orazbayeva A. A., Sokurova E. Zh.

This Concept of modernization of the Institute of Precinct police inspectors and strengthening the work on crime prevention (hereinafter – the Concept) was developed at the initiative of the University of KAZGUU named after M. S. Narikbayev in order to provide institutional and scientific support for the modernization of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main emphasis in the Concept is placed on the institution of district inspectors since according to the authors, this category of police officers is a system-forming element in the relations between the police and society. The shortcomings and inefficiency of the existing system of organi-zing their activities, according to the authors of the Concept, is the main reason for the lack of qualitatively new positive results in combating crime and creating the so-called “service model” of the police.