The project aims to reform the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The current Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted at the initial stage of the existence of the young independent Republic; the basis for the development of the Civil Code of 1994 (general part) was the Model Civil Code for the CIS member States of October 29, 1994. The adoption of a Special Part of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1999 and numerous amendments and additions to civil legislation in general not only failed to promote the development of the concept of a modern market and ensure the stability of civil turnover, but also destabilized and strengthened the diverse judicial practice in a homogeneous category of disputes, which increasingly led to a violation of the principle of uniformity of interpretation and application of the law. As you know, public relations change and change, and civil legislation sometimes “stands still” and, unfortunately, it is no longer able to adequately and promptly respond to all the changes and requirements of the time. The analysis of legal norms and practice gives grounds to assert that the Civil Code today significantly “lags” behind the rapidly developing new institutions and relations regulated by it. Therefore, Kazakhstan’s society is in urgent need of reforming and updating civil legislation in general and, first of all, the Civil Code. This kind of reform should take into account the needs of modern society, and, of course, should be carried out taking into account the best foreign practices, which in no case means “blind copying” of the norms and provisi-ons of foreign law in the Kazakh legal system.